After years of longinly watching fishtanks, I have my own filled with lovelies again!
When I was a kid, I had a fishtank at my Dad's.
Then tens years went by. Fishless. Due to my living-situation(s) over the last few years, I've been unable to keep an aquarium. But, when I got the news I DID get the rental-apartment I applied for my first thoughts were:
"YES! YES! YES! Independence! I can do whatever I want! I'm going to have FISHES AGAIN!"
I was SO excited!
I went to Dad's basement, dug up the fishtank and fixed it up. Replaced some parts of the pump, filled it with water and plants and let it stand and become "fish-ready" for a week before taking that belonged trip to the zoo-store to pick my babies up. :)
The picture above shows the fish-less tank. It stands, tastefully, in my kitchen. (please spare me the sushi-jokes.. it's not funny -___-') That way I can enjoy their company while having my breakfast! :)

This is what I brought home with me from the store!
Fish-food. water-cleaner, rocks, holiday-food and two bags with fishes, wrapped in news paper. I felt so sorry for them! And wanted them out of there as soon as possible, but you can't just throw them into the tank. They might get a chock from the difference in water-temperature.

"Hello! Hello! Let us out! .. Please?!"

To make sure the fish won't go into chock, you place the bags (still closed) in the tank for (at least) 15 minutes so that the water in the bag will get the same temperature as the water in the tank.

Snape. He's pretty agressive. For being a
fantail fish.

Happily swimming around.

Luke. Or
Leia.. I don't know.. They both look the same. That's why they have similar names XD

Picture (above) taken with flash. Sadly their colors don't show so well.. Here's
Naruto. I HAD to get a goldfish, just to give him (I suspect it's a her, actually) the name Naruto. For the heck of it. Then there's
Nypon (swedish word for "rosehip", named by
Malin) and
Stephanie, becuause I felt I had to name something after someone in the Stephanie Plum-series.. I suspect Stephanie is a male.. Ah, well, what to do..

Stepanie and Naruto.
And, yes, those are pokémon glass-balls.
I've had them for almost two weeks and we're getting by fine :)
Fintail fishes doesn't have a proper stomach (just an intestine) and thereby need to get fed twice a day. Hungry little fatties. They also need a lot of cleaning, the messy little buggers, and they "re-arrange" the sand all the time.
But, ah, still, gotta love them. They're cute, and good company.
Guess I'm a nerd. Nothing new, though.
Have a great day!
Love, peace, respect and pretty fishes