torsdag 18 augusti 2011


So, yeah, I've switched blog-adress.

Well, basically, it looks the same, but the adress was keeping getting mixed up, so I've switched from to
just to keep things simple.

Why don't you check it out? :D

And, don't forget to update your blog-feed with the new adress so you won't miss any of my sweet updates! ;)

tisdag 26 juli 2011

Black and white sneek peek.

Another sneek peek at one of my current projects, "Ont".
This sure is one of the most visually challenging comics I've ever done.
I'm really pushing myself, trying to get better with every panel and not chickening out with the black areas! My goal is to use as much black as I dare to get more depth into my pages.


My plan is to also computer color one gray shade to create depth.
I can hardly wait 'til I'm done!

And, my thoughts are with the victims of the Norway massacre and their loved ones.
It's a horrible, horrible thing that happened this Friday, and I can't put words on how devastating this truly is.

"Let's LOVE the world to PEACE!"

lördag 9 juli 2011

"Ont" preview

Hey y'all!
Hope you're enjoying the summer sun :) I've been indoors all day drawing, but it's alright. Soon, I'm of to see TRANSFORMERS 3!! Yayness!!

Below is a sneek peek at one of my current projects called "Ont" (swed. "hurt").
Page 5, last panel. Look!! A background!!

ont fanny m bystedt

This is the song of today!

Been listening to it on repeat all day. Even though I'm drawing I can't help to shake my shoulders. Love the beat!

Also... I'm in love with Vin Diesel. =^^=

onsdag 6 juli 2011

Len for Teru :D

More gift art! :DD

After work one evening, I chilled out and drew this pictue of my friend Teru cosplaying "Len" from Volcaloid!
Len for Teru by Fanny M Bystedt
Hope you'll enjoy! :D

Check out Teru's awesome art (and read ConCom!)!

Well, gotta get back to work!

torsdag 23 juni 2011

This is just TOO unfair!!

How come I don't own a pink tank?!

(Yeah, I won't deny it; I have a thing for heavy vehicles ^^; )

torsdag 9 juni 2011

Self portrait and men!

I looked through my illustration gallery at my webpage
and realised pretty much all my pictures were of animals and/or females.. Hmmm.. I wonder..

Anyhow! Here's two males I drew today, just to even things out a bit!

Taking a short break from my current project, I also drew a self-portrait.
Ursula ain't got nuthin' on me! ;D
Me and my two fintail fishes Nypon and Snape! *hearts*
A really quick draw, but it turned out pretty well!! Only thing is, my hair looks dark.. and not blonde as it should be.. Ah, well.. At least the fishes are cute! :3

Love, peace over n' out!


onsdag 11 maj 2011

SPX 2011

Thanks for all the good times!
And a special thank you to you who stopped by, chatted and/or bought a fanzine!

See ya'll next year!

Diana Davidsson, Nathalie Nilsson, David Linde, Fanny M Bystedt and Amanda Hakim.

Our happy table.
Four of the Think Ink artists + David!!

tisdag 10 maj 2011

Webpage illustration

Just finished the work on my Mom's hompepage. :)
I'm very very happy with the result! I'm trying out more digital coloring and having fun fun fuuuun~!

(She's a vet)

onsdag 27 april 2011

Happy (belated) easter!

Drew and inked last week, but haven't updated the blog 'til now, but anyhow:



torsdag 21 april 2011


This weekend I went to Lund and Mangakai Lund's Kodachi-con! :D
An event/festival for japanese popular culture with tons of fun! Anime, dorama, art, food, games, cosplay, competition etc.

T.Wadbro, Diana Davidsson and me. :)
I finally got to wear my new yukata! Yay!

I had SO much fun all weekend! And, even though I was one of the "gophers" and organizers, and had tons of stuff to get done and work the whole weekend, I had a great time hanging out with all the friends I don't get to see very often.

Hope to see ya'll soon!



These Sweet Lolitas were just too adorable not to take pics of! X3

And, just look at this pokémon cosplayer! Cute!

fredag 15 april 2011

Digital coloring

Hello world!

The sun is shining today, and I just had some ice cream and coffee, and soon I'm off to my parttime job.

But, first:
I was going to color this lineart today and thought "Heck! I'm going to try out some digital coloring!"
So I did, but tried to keep that smudged feel I like with my watercolors. Not 100% what I wanted the outcome to be, but I'm learning :)

Does anyone have any good points on digital coloring, or a specific programme, that gives a watercolor look?


Also, Think Ink printed our fifth fanzine yesterday and it's going to be AWESOME!
It will be released at SPX.

And, Swedish Comic Sin 2 is of the print, and will also be relseased at SPX! :)

So much love and naught comics to look forward to! X3

Peace and Love


måndag 4 april 2011

"Absolutely Scandalous Stories!!"

Think Ink is working on our next fanzine! :D
Woheeeey! Look forward to it!

Felt like doing a group-pic, so here ya'll go.
And, as you might notice, there's one more animal than usual.. Stay tuned! ;)

måndag 14 mars 2011

Self portrait

Me and my fintail fish Naruto. *loves*

tisdag 8 mars 2011


I did!!! I did! I DIIIID! :DD

So, here it is; my new look;

(sorry, I didn't even bother to comb my hair yesterday, since it was all going OFF anyways!)

and at the hair dresser's after she'd done her magic;

I went to Sofie at Frisyrmakarna in Malmö and was SOOO satistied with her work! :D
She seemed to enjoy cutting my hair, and she knew what she was doing. Highly reccomended!

But, Fanny!? Why did you cut your hair so short?!
Well, I've been thinking about cutting it really short for quite some while.. Especially after watching Big Bang (one of my fave music groups; a korean "boyband") music videos this fall and realizing how totally AWESOME TaeYang looked in his mohawk, and I thought "Heck, I can pull that of!"

(though I don't want it that short on the sides.. )

Actually, what I originally wanted to do was let my hair grow long again.. But, that takes a few years, and I figured, well, since it's already pretty short, I might as well go all out and cut it even shorter before letting it grow again :) I mean, why not? And, I've been wanting to cut it for some time, but haven't dared to. I've been worried that it would be against work dresscode. So I'd decided to wait and not cut it until I start the university this fall, but .. I didn't really want to wait that long..
So, when my colleague assured me that I can wear my hair whichever way I want to work, I thought "Why wait? Let's do it!!"

So, yesterday it all went down.
And this is how awesome I look today..

I'm very excited and happy that it looks so great! The sun is shining and all is well. Still, I have a zillion of things to get done today, but I couldn't feel much better about myself right now!

Also, today is the international women's day!


Here's the new Big Bang music video for you guys to rock out to! :D



söndag 6 mars 2011

Pumped up

I'm super psyched! Tomorrow's going to be an awesome day, I'm sure!
I have something epic planned.. Something I've secretly wanted to do for quite some time..

Stay tuned and I'll let you guys know how it goes.. ;)

This is what I'm listening to right now, dancing around in my apartment.

I feel so energetic and free!



lördag 26 februari 2011


It's cold outside in Malmö town, and I'm staying indoors, doing my best to keep warm while working hard at finishing my submission to the Swedish Comic Sin number 2 anthology.
This while baby-sitting the family dog for over a week.. it has it's challenges, like paws running across originals, but we're getting by...

For some reason I decided to put long, curly, wavy hair on the female main character and a just as flowing, frilly dress on her as well.. It's turned out it's a lot of fun to draw and ink with the brush.. but it takes a lot more time that I'd thought, and I still have my day-job, so.. well.. Not a whole lot of sleep, and way too much candy and coffee, but it's getting close to being finished :) Fun fun fuuuun!

söndag 13 februari 2011

Happy Valentines Hearts Friend Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Friends' Day! (if you're in/from Finland)

Happy Every Heart's Day! (if you're in/from Sweden)

Just a quick pic I drew to honor my loved ones.. There's quite a few of you.
And, even if I don't see you very often, I think of you and keep you in my heart. All of you.

Love, peace, respect
over n' out


fredag 4 februari 2011

Fanny is officially a "crazy fish lady" and "mother" of six..

After years of longinly watching fishtanks, I have my own filled with lovelies again!

When I was a kid, I had a fishtank at my Dad's.
Then tens years went by. Fishless. Due to my living-situation(s) over the last few years, I've been unable to keep an aquarium. But, when I got the news I DID get the rental-apartment I applied for my first thoughts were:
"YES! YES! YES! Independence! I can do whatever I want! I'm going to have FISHES AGAIN!"

I was SO excited!
I went to Dad's basement, dug up the fishtank and fixed it up. Replaced some parts of the pump, filled it with water and plants and let it stand and become "fish-ready" for a week before taking that belonged trip to the zoo-store to pick my babies up. :)
The picture above shows the fish-less tank. It stands, tastefully, in my kitchen. (please spare me the sushi-jokes.. it's not funny -___-') That way I can enjoy their company while having my breakfast! :)

This is what I brought home with me from the store!
Fish-food. water-cleaner, rocks, holiday-food and two bags with fishes, wrapped in news paper. I felt so sorry for them! And wanted them out of there as soon as possible, but you can't just throw them into the tank. They might get a chock from the difference in water-temperature.

"Hello! Hello! Let us out! .. Please?!"

To make sure the fish won't go into chock, you place the bags (still closed) in the tank for (at least) 15 minutes so that the water in the bag will get the same temperature as the water in the tank.

Here's Snape. He's pretty agressive. For being a fantail fish.

Happily swimming around.

Here's Luke. Or Leia.. I don't know.. They both look the same. That's why they have similar names XD

Picture (above) taken with flash. Sadly their colors don't show so well.. Here's Naruto. I HAD to get a goldfish, just to give him (I suspect it's a her, actually) the name Naruto. For the heck of it. Then there's Nypon (swedish word for "rosehip", named by Malin) and Stephanie, becuause I felt I had to name something after someone in the Stephanie Plum-series.. I suspect Stephanie is a male.. Ah, well, what to do..

Stepanie and Naruto.
And, yes, those are pokémon glass-balls.

I've had them for almost two weeks and we're getting by fine :)
Fintail fishes doesn't have a proper stomach (just an intestine) and thereby need to get fed twice a day. Hungry little fatties. They also need a lot of cleaning, the messy little buggers, and they "re-arrange" the sand all the time.
But, ah, still, gotta love them. They're cute, and good company.
Guess I'm a nerd. Nothing new, though.

Have a great day!

Love, peace, respect and pretty fishes

torsdag 27 januari 2011

This little piggy..

Contribution to the Nasse's Necrozine quote anthology.
I hope they'll like it enough to put it in the book :)

A fun draw!

My quote reads "Har du kramat din avtryckare idag?"
(swed. Have you squeezed(actually; hugged) your trigger today?)

Tried out a new way of coloring. Turned ot quite well :)
Inked with artist's brush and pelican drawing ink. Greyscales in Photoshop.

Peace out!

tisdag 18 januari 2011

Not quite winter, not quite spring

Malmö sure is cold and gray this time of year.. Not cold enough to actually be called winter, but not warm enough for the spring flowers to bloom. Even though most of the snow's melted away, there's still plenty of ice and the roads are slippery.

Today, I'm off from my daytime-job and has spent it doing laundrary and my book-keeping, which actually isn't as hard as I've thought it'd be.. Just keep things simple and you'll be alright ;D (talking about the book-keeping here, washing clothes is a piece of cake! *housewife-skills*)

"Västra hamnen" (west harbour), Malmö. Today.

Also, I'm "dogsitting" today. My Dad's and his ladyfriend Ann's Rottweiler/Setter-something named Roxy, who is just a total doll.. She's quite a handful, but a lot of fun..

Look at her eyes! Like Cleopatra! :D So pretty!

Ribersborg, Malmö.. Just a few minutes from my apartment! :)

She's such a good, sweet dog. But, ah, when she plays.. she plays hard.. ;D
(to the right, a Golden Retriver that was down at the beach)

Haha! Ninja-dog! XDD A laugh-out-loud picture, indeed!

My own, personal stalker. Fallowing my every step in the tiny apartment.

But, ah yes, she's a good dog, and it's really nice to have some fur:y company once in a while :)) I want a pet sooo bad, but I can't right now.. T^T
Oh, whine whine whine.. I can always "borrow" my parents and friends' dogs once in a while.. but still.. it's not the same.. My goal is to have a pug in five years or so, though :3 Can hardly wait!

Meanwhile.. I'm working on fixing up my aquarium so that I can get my fishes soon! X33 Hopefully, next week! *longing*

Well, now, it's back to the drawingtable for me, and I wish all of you a great evening!

Peace out!

fredag 14 januari 2011

Gosh, I'm soooo bad at updating this thing! Ah, well, anyways, here we go:

Hope ya'll had a great holiday and new year's celebration with friends and/or family! :D I know I sure did! :) I spent a lovely three weeks in Colorado this winter, and it was ton's of fun. (update on this later) But, now I'm back in lovely Malmö again, and already it's back to work work woooork! :)

My "regular-grown-up"-job's going great so far! I really enjoy it, and my colleagues are a lot of fun. :) Also, I think it's good for me to get all that exercise and workout (honestly, working at a grocery store is HARD work!) since I otherwise spend most of my time on my butt: drawing, reading and writing.. And I still have an unhealthy relationship to candy.. :/ Ah, well.. I can't be all saint, gotta have some flaws ;D

ATM I'm adding the last touches at the zombie-comic. It's been hard, long work, but I think it's looking GREAT! I hope the writer of the script'll be as happy about the outcome as I am :)

"Don't shoot! I'm not a zombie!"
But, looking at my reference pictures of Amsterdam makes me really want to go there. It looks like a very different, interesting town! The houses are just amazing, all crammed together, more or less on top of one another.. A pain to draw, but it looks really neat! :D

Anyhow, I better get back to work..
Here's the tune of today.. Listening to my old The Knife CD :)

Love, Peace, over 'n out!